Thursday, November 20, 2008

21st Century Learning

Here I am doing something I never dreamed I would do - writing a blog. I have never much wanted a public face. I'm not even sure I like to write! But, here I am writing for the world to see.

In my lifetime we have gone from typewriters and carbon paper to this!! The way students communicate and learn is changing before my eyes.

I'm involved in a project at work/school that is making me so much more aware of 21st century learning. Leaning is in transition, as Karl Fisch says, "Shift Happens". Well, it is happening to me and I'm getting involved in the ways that our students are now learning. Let's see, I have an I-Google, I share in a Wikki and am involved in several Ning's along with this Blogspot. I'm experimenting with developing a Ning for my Accounting class. The more I do, the more I want to do. Not only is this a learning experience, it is fun. One of the Ning's I participate in is a Stitchers Showcase. I LOVE stitching. I love to share what I do and see what others do. This whole thing is so amazing. I'm seeing the stitching of people from all over the world. My world is shrinking and my knowledge is growing.

My fellow educators - I encourage you to get involved in this 21st century learning. We have access to the whole world - it is at our fingertips.

1 comment:

Mrs. Susan Bowman said...

I'm with you all the way! (Like it or not --- and we can "co-blog" this week in DC!!!)